Use Full LinksCivil Engineering is a very fascinating field. An Engineer must always be keep updating his/her technical and analytical skill sets. Our dynamic team consists of engineers with wide range of industry experience from projects in India, USA, UK, Middle East and Africa facilitating, continual learning and exchange of ideas. Equally, we encourage inter-departmental as well as inter-office interaction within ITE, resulting in cross-pollination of expertise across sectors and regions. Given below are few use full links to standards of developed countries like England & USA. National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL)NPTEL The Design Manual for Roads & Bridges (DMRB)The DMRB was introduced in 1992 in England and Wales, and subsequently in Scotland and Northern Ireland. It provides a comprehensive manual system which accommodates all current standards, advice notes and other published documents relating to the design, assessment and operation of trunk roads (including motorways). DMRB Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)The traffic control devices (TCD) are very critical for the safe and efficient transportation of people and goods. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), by setting minimum standards and providing guidance, ensures uniformity of traffic control devices across the nation. The use of uniform TCDs (messages, location, size, shapes, and colors) helps reduce crashes and congestion, and improves the efficiency of the surface transportation system. Uniformity also helps reduce the cost of TCDs through standardization. The information contained in the MUTCD is the result of either years of practical experience, research, and/or the MUTCD experimentation process. This effort ensures that TCDs are visible, recognizable, understandable, and necessary. The MUTCD is a dynamic document that changes with time to address contemporary safety and operational issues. The MUTCD audience includes, but is not limited to: State and local highway agencies, public officials, owners of private roads open to public travel, the insurance industry, law enforcement agencies, incident management personnel, maintenance personnel, academic institutions, private industry, and planning, construction and engineering organizations. MUTCD |