


Traffic Safety Research

ITE takes traffic safety to the highest level. Its safety specialists, led by renowned expert Dr. Sverker Almqvist and Mr. Sridhar Uttara, have an impressive track record of reducing crashes at problem intersections and along dangerous roadways. ITE analyzes police records and other data and conducts field investigations to pinpoint causes and contributing factors to safety problems. ITE then tailors sensible corrective measures, ranging from better signage and road markings to improved traffic regulations and enforcement of traffic laws. In new roadway construction and redesigns, the team works with engineers, designers and planners to incorporate best safety practices. ITE’s safety experts also are accomplished researchers. They systematically collect and evaluate traffic data and conduct critical literature reviews to develop guidelines that help shape policies in jurisdictions world-wide.

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) mandated Road Safety Audits (RSA) for all the proposed projects including existing highways to improve safety. However, Authority, Contractor and Concessionaire’s efforts are facing a road block with non-availability of qualified independent road safety auditors/consultants in this relatively uncommon area of expertise. Considering the urgent need for this complex problem, global road safety solution providers InfoTrans Engineers has formed an alliance with U.S. Road Safety Organizations and Firms to provide locally adoptable solutions to enhance road safety on Indian Roads. ITE Road Safety Audit Section is fully independent of our Design Teams and can undertake Audits at all stages.

ITE is offering:
Our knowledgeable and highly experienced Road Safety Auditors provide considered and impartial advice to both public and private organizations and we are offering the following Consulting Engineering Services in the areas of Road Safety Engineering:
  • Road Safety Audits per FHWA/NHAI/IRC guidelines for Highway Corridors, Urban Corridors during Preliminary Designs, Final Designs, Construction Phase, Operation and Maintenance Phase.
  • Multidisciplinary crash Investigation, data collection, reporting and analyses
  • Developing, Implementing and Monitoring of Cost Effective Interventions to Enhance Road Safety
  • Guide Concessionaires/Contractors to Enhance Project Safety Manuals to meet Requirements
  • Provide Safety Training and Resources for Concessionaire/Contractor Teams of all levels in line with FHWA/NHAI Approved Programs
  • Road safety assessments
  • Crash analysis and countermeasure assessments
  • Speed studies
  • Traffic calming
  • Survey research
  • Quantitative analysis